Le bois des stradivarius

Un article passionant du New York Time nous raconte comment un chimiste taiwanais, Hwan-Ching Tai a découvert que ce sont les traitements minéraux spécifiques du bois des Stradivarius et autres Guarneri qui font leur qualité acoustique unique, ainsi que leur utilisation intensive depuis le 18esiècle. L’article est en anglais :

The 1709 Stradivarius violin nicknamed “Marie-Hall Viotti.” Credit Chimei Museum

In the violin-making world, two names reign above all others: Antonio Stradivari and Giuseppe Guarneri.

Both masters lived during the late 17th and early 18th centuries, in a small town in northern Italy called Cremona, and garnered a reputation for making the best stringed instruments in the world. Since then, luthiers have tirelessly tried to imitate Stradivari’s and Guarneri’s craftsmanship, copying their wood choice, geometry and construction methods. But their efforts have met with little success.

For hundreds of years, the best violin players have almost unanimously said they prefer a Stradivari or a Guarneri instrument.

Why nobody has been able to replicate that sound remains one of the most enduring mysteries of instrument building. A new study, published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests that answers may lie in the wood: Mineral treatments, followed by centuries of aging and transformation from playing, might give these instruments unique tonal qualities. Continuer la lecture de Le bois des stradivarius

Nathalie Dessay crooneuse

Nathalie Dessay, conteuse

Chansons de comédies musicales américaines, lecture de textes poétiques, projection de tableaux d’Edward Hopper : Hier soir au Châtelet, nous en avons eu plein les mirettes (et sur grand écran !) des tableaux d’Edward Hopper savamment découpés pour mettre en valeur les textes que nous disait (en première partie), puis nous chantait notre conteuse et  crooneuse nationale, Nathalie Dessay, l’artiste aux multiples talents, Continuer la lecture de Nathalie Dessay crooneuse